Bored at Home? · Craft Techniques · Favourite Websites

Ever Wanted to Learn How to Knit?

Blue Scarf video intro

Just to let you know that I’ve published a knitting class over on Skillshare, yay!

It’s aimed at absolute beginners, so even if you have never picked up knitting needles before, you will be able to follow along and knit your own tasselled scarf.

Click here to view the intro video and see if it appeals ๐Ÿ™‚

Thanks to anyone who joins my class!

Bored at Home? · Favourite Websites · My Witterings

Gishwhes 2017

Gishwhes is basically a huge scavenger hunt that is open to anyone in the world (I think) – and all you have to do is find a team and be prepared to do some crazy, random, awesome stuff!

It’s one of those things that looks ridiculously fun and something that would give you a lot of anecdotes and memories, but I’d be too shy to do ๐Ÿ˜ฆ But if it looks like something you could do, you have until August to get your team ready.

The scavenger madness lasts one week only. Enjoy!

Bored at Home? · Favourite Websites

Free Online Animation Course


I’ve always been very interested in animation – stop motion animation in particular – but because it’s so niche, there isn’t that much information or many tutorials out there to help & inspire.

That’s why I was especially pleased to find this free animation course that provides a wealth of videos and interviews all about stop-motion animation. I thought I should share it here in case anyone else out there would also find a lot of value in it.