Favourite Websites · Handmade Seller Interviews

Handmade Seller Interview: Puppets Magic Studio

Puppets Magic girl-puppet

This week’s interview is with Daniel Byrne, who is the creative director of the UK-based ‘Puppets Magic Studio’, where a vast array of fantastic and expressive puppets are born.

These puppets are made for TV, film and theatre, and Daniel has worked with many well-known clients including the BBC, ITV and HSBC.

One of my secret dreams is to have a puppet lookalike made, so I’m excited about this interview today!

Now I will hand over to Daniel….

Tell us a bit about yourself. What is your job background and how did you end up with a puppet making business in London?

I’m Daniel Byrne and I am the Creative Director of Puppets Magic Studio, a company specialising in creating custom puppets for TV, Film and Theatre. I personally have always had a fascination with puppetry since a young age and often spent my childhood creating naive puppets from scrap cardboard and thrift store fabrics.

My educational background is art school, and I studied Fine Art at Central Saint Martins and Goldsmiths, mainly concentrating on sculpture.

After leaving art school I wanted to make objects that did more than sit in a gallery. I found puppetry was the perfect way to use sculpture to create an object that can perform in different types of media and so I returned to my interest in puppets and set up Puppets Magic, to provide a full character design and build service for production companies. I now have the pleasure of working with a team of talented creatives and designers.

What interests you about puppets in particular?

What interests me most about puppets is their ability to create a particular type of magic . When watching a puppet on television or in theatre, we all know the object the performer is manipulating isn’t real – we can see that the puppet itself has been manufactured in some way and a person is moving it. However, when puppets are skillfully performed a transformative illusion can take place, making a seemingly inanimate object appear to be a living, breathing entity. It is this illusion that has always fascinated me.

Who (or what) is your inspiration?

Naturally, Jim Henson’s early work is always an inspiration.

What is the most fun part of making a puppet?

The best part is always handing it over to our client and then seeing the character live it’s life on stage or screen.

What is the most difficult part of making a puppet?

Balancing the aesthetic and conceptual design alongside making sure the puppet is functional and easy to operate. A puppet can’t just look appealing, it must be comfortable and lightweight for the puppeteer to manipulate and to give their best performance.

Puppets Magic workshop

What are three tools in your workspace that you could not live without?

Industrial razor blades to sculpt foam, our trusty fleet of sewing machines, and of course, coffee – (is that allowed?!)

If you could have one super power, what would it be and why?

Like any creative working to deadlines, to make work at double the speed or to pause time would be ideal.

Puppets Magic puppet-head-new copy

Where can people find you online, and how do people buy custom puppets from you? 

You can find us over at our website, https://www.puppetsmagic.co.uk and get in touch with us from there.

Favourite Websites · Handmade Seller Interviews

Handmade Seller Interview: Freda Made

Freda Made leather sea creatures 2

This week’s interview is with Australia-based Freda from Freda Made, who creates hand-stitched leather sea creatures in great life-like detail. I bet they feel so nice!

So let’s now find out a little more about Freda and her makes:

How did you get started in your handmade business?

I made my first squid in leather at the end of 2016. I had always liked the ocean theme and wanted to make a giant squid to hang on the wall for my house. I made one and posted it up on Facebook. Everyone liked it and said it was very unique and that I should make more and sell them. That’s how I started.

Freda Made leather sea creatures 5

Apart from crafts, what do you like to do in your spare time?

I am a Graphic Designer so I do craft in my spare time. My life is filled up with graphics and craft haha.

How long have you been creating art/crafts and how long have you been selling online?

I have been selling on Etsy for over a year now and it has been slow, but I’m definitely getting more exposure as Etsy has been promoting my store every now and then.

How many different places do you sell from?

You can buy my leather creatures in my Etsy shop or in Queen Victoria market.

Freda Made leather sea creatures 1

Where would you like to be in 10 years?

I would like to do crafts for my whole lifetime. Hopefully in 10 years, I will be a full time crafter.

Do you have another job? What is it?

I am a Graphic Designer in Melbourne.

What’s the most difficult part of your craft?

The difficulty of working with leather is that it doesn’t stretch.

What is your favourite part of your handmade business?

I can tell you that every single process is fun…except for hammering holes in leather!

Freda Made leather sea creatures 4

What are three tools in your workspace that you could not live without?

Chisels, thread and needles.

Have any pets?

I have 3 cats; Tofu, Sergeant and Eliza.

If you had the opportunity to learn one more craft you don’t already do, what would it be?

Probably woodwork, so that I can make my own display boxes for my crafts.

Freda Made leather sea creatures 3

Freda has also kindly provided a free shipping code for you to enjoy, yay!

Free shipping code: FREESHIP2002

Bored at Home? · Craft Techniques · Favourite Websites

Ever Wanted to Learn How to Knit?

Blue Scarf video intro

Just to let you know that I’ve published a knitting class over on Skillshare, yay!

It’s aimed at absolute beginners, so even if you have never picked up knitting needles before, you will be able to follow along and knit your own tasselled scarf.

Click here to view the intro video and see if it appeals 🙂

Thanks to anyone who joins my class!

Favourite Websites · Handmade Seller Interviews

Handmade Seller Interview: ButterflyLove1

ButterflyLove1 - knitted chemistry beaker

This week’s interview is with U.K.-based Dawn from ButterflyLove1, who creates fantastically creative knitting patterns and products. Many patterns are science-related, which makes them awesome gifts for science geeks especially (hint hint for Christmas!)

And now it’s time for an interview with Dawn to find out more about her life & her craft:

How did you get started in your handmade business?

I had my first daughter in 2008 and by 2009 had some free time on my hands. Painting was out as I never knew when my little baby would wake up from her naptime, but knitting is really flexible. Unfortunately, there’s only so many hats, scarves and jumpers a house can hold and my husband was starting to get a bit overwhelmed! A friend recommended checking out Etsy and before I knew it, I had set up my own shop and started to design toys, from that I moved gradually into designing science inspired plushes, as I love all things scientific.

ButterflyLove1 - amigurumi water molecule

What first made you want to become an artist/craftsperson?

I would say that I have always been an artist ever since I was very little. I have always drawn, painted, knitted, embroidered and taken photographs. I see no distinction between ‘art’ and ‘craft’. For me, they are all valid and equal expressions of creativity. Knitting is very much like meditation, so it’s my go to if I feel tired or stressed out.

ButterflyLove1 - knitted flying saucer

Apart from crafts, what do you like to do in your spare time?

I am a major fan of long, hot baths. I’m also trying to get fit at the moment so I swim and go to the gym three times a week. That’s pretty much all my spare time accounted for!

How long have you been creating art/crafts and how long have you been selling online?

I would say that I’ve been creating art since my earliest memories. My grandmother taught me how to knit when I was about 6 and I set off with the ambition to create the world’s longest handknitted scarf – knit only by myself and funded only by my pocket money. I got pretty far, but no records were broken!
I took a career break from accountancy and tried to sell my paintings and drawings online in 2005, but didn’t make much headway. In 2009, when I opened my Etsy shop ButterflyLove1, people were much more willing to buy online, but I still only sold $82 in my first year!

ButterflyLove1 - knitted desk worm

How many different places do you sell from?

I sell my geek knitting patterns and plushes in my main Etsy shop, ButterflyLove1, and my non-geek products in another Etsy shop, EbonyAndTeal, which is part of my new focus to create functional patterns. I sell my paintings, photographs and drawings in a third Etsy shop, Floribundae.

Knitters can also get my patterns on Ravelry and Loveknitting:

Ravelry: www.ravelry.com/designers/dawn-finney
Loveknitting: www.loveknitting.com/user/Dawn-Finney

If you had to recommend one movie, which perhaps isn’t so well known, which one would it be?

I would recommend ‘The Japanese Wife’. It’s about a man and a woman who fall deeply in love without ever meeting (spoiler alert). It’s sad and happy, and pretty wonderful.

ButterflyLove1 - knitted microbes

What invention or new product would you love to be available in the future?

I often feel guilty about the impact we have upon our environment and try to have zero waste in my creation process. I would love to have a nanotechnology developed that would consolidate the microplastic in our oceans into blocks that could be responsibly disposed of, thus helping to protect the base of the oceanic food chain.

Any other handmade shops you’d like to recommend?

I love Mochimochi (mochimochiland.com), cheezombie (www.etsy.com/uk/shop/cheezombie) and NeedleNoodles (www.etsy.com/uk/shop/NeedleNoodles), all of whom inspired me to write my own more creative and wacky designs.

ButterflyLove1 - knitted pot plant

What is your earliest memory of creating something you were proud of?

It’s not my earliest memory, but my Dad likes to reminisce about my first entrepreneurial venture. I made a huge pile of giant pompoms, complete with big cute eyes, and tried to sell them on a handmade cardboard box stall in our local town centre. Needless to say, I didn’t sell any, but it didn’t crush my spirit. 33 years later, I’m basically doing exactly the same thing!

Do you have any particular sale that stands out in your memory? Why?

Many of my sales are memorable as I am often contacted by people to create graduation gifts, thesis mementoes, even gifts for friends and family suffering from illnesses like cancer, to cheer them up and give them hope. I feel absolutely privileged to be able to create objects that will hold a special place in my customers’ lives. It’s an honour.

ButterflyLove1 - knitted hot air balloon

Favourite Websites · Handmade Seller Interviews

Handmade Seller Interview: GladOArt

Gladoart hedgehog

This week’s interview is with Ukraine-based Olga from GladOArt who creates gorgeous needle-felted animals and art dolls. They’re so beautiful and detailed…I especially love the characterful hedgehogs!

I’ll now ask Olga a few questions about her life and her craft:

How did you get started in your handmade business?

From the first time I saw author’s dolls*, I fell in love with them. I could admire them for a long time, considering the smallest details. After that, I had a desire to create something similar.
Since my childhood, I have enjoyed drawing, as well as moulding figures of animals from plasticine. Currently, (besides creating felt toys) I really love painting… particularly portraits of people and pets.

*Art dolls originating in Eastern Europe.

Gladoart rabbit

How many different places do you sell from?

My felt toy shop has been open since 2012. Besides that, I own:
A watercolor painting shop – www.etsy.com/shop/GladOArtPainting
And a Wedding Cake Topper shop – www.etsy.com/shop/GladOArtWedding

What handmade possessions do you most cherish?

Any products that are made by hand, and therefore have the heart and soul of the maker in them, are so individual and unique and so have a great value to them.

Gladoart baby doll

In ten years, where would you like to be?

In 10 years, I would like to be what I am now – an artist.

If you had to recommend one movie, which perhaps isn’t so well known, which one would it be?

I love movies based on real events such as “Ms. Potter” and “Big eyes”.

Do you have any pets?

I have had pets since childhood. At the moment I have a 9-year-old cat, Timofey, and a 15-year-old overland turtle.

Apart fom crafts, what do you like to do in your spare time?

I participate in sports in my free time, particularly skating because it is a sport where striving for perfection is a continuous process.

Gladoart owl

What was been your favourite holiday?

The best holidays for me are my child’s birthdays.

If you could have one super power, what would it be and why?

If I could choose a super ability for myself, it would be the ability to cure children. It’s very painful to watch their suffering.

What are your hopes and aspirations for your store and where do you see yourself going from here?

I want to try new embroidery artworks, particularly embroidered portraits; portraiture is my weakness and my inspiration.

Gladoart blue tit

And Olga is offering a special 15% off discount code for readers too!

Just enter the code T457HER to receive the discount.

If you would like to sign up to the GladOArt newsletter, in order to receive news of sales and other offers, please subscribe using this link:


Favourite Websites · Handmade Seller Interviews

Handmade Seller Interview: Fleur de Carotte

Fleur de Carotte ceramic vase

This week’s interview is with U.K.-based Amandine from Fleur de Carotte, who creates tactile, unique & colourful jewellery and ceramics. My favourite pieces are the ‘female artists’ vases – especially Virginia Woolf (shown above).

I’ll now let Amandine tell you more about herself and her art:

Tell us a bit about yourself:

I am Amandine, I am French and I have lived in the UK for the last 6 years. I currently live in Brighton, ten minutes away on foot from the beach!

How did you get started in your handmade business?

My handmade business started with making and selling leather jewellery as well as handprinted textile goods. Then I fell in love with ceramics and started to sell my ceramic vases and jewellery, which is my main focus now.  I am mainly self-taught and I have learnt these skills through experimenting. My jewellery is inspired by nature and the Art Deco movement. My ceramics are whimsical, playful and created from my own illustrations.

Fleur de Carotte necklace

What first made you want to become an artist/craftsperson?

I love learning new crafts, and over the past seven years I have practised and experimented in embroidery, dressmaking, weaving, screenprinting on textile and ceramics. I think I found my medium with ceramics – the possibilities are endless and the hidden illustrator inside me can reveal itself on a more playful surface than paper!

Apart from crafts, what do you like to do in your spare time?

In my spare time I love to dance to latino music, go out with friends, have naps in the sunshine, read, do some weaving, sketch new ideas, learn a new language and travel!

How long have you been creating art/crafts and how long have you been selling online?

I have been drawing, painting and making things since forever, however I started to sell my designs online on Etsy in February 2015. Before that, I sold some jewellery pieces informally to friends and acquaintances.

Fleur de Carotte wip 1

How many different places do you sell from?

I choose to only sell from Etsy (http://www.fleurdecarotte.etsy.com) as it is easier, although I also have my own beautiful website showing all of my work in its entirety: http://www.fleurdecarotte.org

How did you come up with your shop name?

Fleur de Carotte means carrot flower in French. The flower part represents for me a connection with nature and feminity. The carrot part is because I used to dye my hair in ginger and some friends called me carrot! And overall carrot flowers are beautiful, wild flowers that live in many fields.

Fleur de Carotte mermaid dish

What is your favourite part of your handmade business?

I love the moment when I style and photograph my products – seeing the final result when you know that it all started with some sketches and clay only is very very satisfying! I also really enjoy all steps of the whole making process in general in ceramics and jewellery making.

What are three tools in your workspace that you could not live without?

The first tool is my hands – I could not draw, paint, cut, or mould without them! The second tool is my banding wheel for handshaping and glazing my planters – the banding wheel allows you to turn your vase in any direction which is very useful when giving shape to something or painting some details on. The third tool would be my leather rotary cutter – I use this cutter to very neatly and carefully cut small intricate leather shapes like the leaves of my Twig necklace.

Fleur de Carotte wip 2

If you had the opportunity to learn one more craft you don’t already do, what would it be?

I would like to have a go at lost wax carving to make bronze, silver or gold jewellery. But I know that if I try, I will fall in love with it and that will be another addiction which will prevent me from staying focused on my craft!

What’s the most difficult part of your craft?

When it comes to ceramics, patience and not wanting to be in control is the key. I am fine with the fact that the results are a surprise and you have to satisfy yourself with the inherent little imperfections, however the worst is when a kiln breaks down and you have to fulfill a wholesale order by a certain deadline… I am trying to explain to stockists that deadlines have to be relaxed with ceramics!

Favourite Websites · Handmade Seller Interviews

Handmade Seller Interview: The Eddy Line Co.

The Eddy Line 6

This week’s interview is with U.S.-based Lauren Mooney from The Eddy Line Co, who creates gorgeous art & accessories using a range of processes; embroidery, dyeing and weaving. The wall hangings in particular have really caught my eye!

Now I will hand over to Lauren to tell you more:

Tell us a bit about yourself:

How did you get started in your handmade business?

I actually got my degree in photography, but my process was dependent on having a dark room which I didn’t have after art school. I knew it was very important for me to keep making in some way after school and ended up ordering a loom on Etsy just to try it out. I made one small weaving and was immediately flooded with ideas. I kept experimenting from there and just continue making and trying new ideas out.

What first made you want to become an artist/craftsperson?

I have always loved making, but I don’t know that I ever saw it as a career that I could have. I think the feeling I get when I’m working is what has kept me on the path of being an artist. It is fun and freeing and ever changing.

Apart fom crafts, what do you like to do in your spare time?

When I’m not making, I love to be outside. We live in the mountains right on the side of a river, so going boating with my person or hiking with our dog, Mabel, is at the top of the to-do list.

The Eddy Line 8

How long have you been creating art/crafts and how long have you been selling online?

I have been into creating and making since I was small, and have tried a few different mediums. I used to think I wanted to be a baker and did that on my own for a little bit, then tried jewelry making, went to school for photography (which I still love!) and right now I’m doing fiber/textile arts. We opened The Eddy Line Co. on Etsy in September 2016.

How many different places do you sell from?

Right now we only sell on Etsy at TheEddyLineCo.

The Eddy Line 9

In ten years, where would you like to be?

The Eddy Line Co. was originally started as an shared idea with my guy, Jonny. I was going to make art and home goods and he would make furniture. As we are just starting out, he is continuing his normal job while I work on the art side. The ultimate goal, however, is that we will be working together making our handcrafted art pieces and furniture. And hopefully in less than 10 years!

Have any pets?

We have a crazy, sweet french bulldog named Mabel. She is our third wheel and the sweetest studio assistant I could hope for.

Do you collect anything?

I collect river glass whenever we go hiking along the creeks or waterways where we live. I have jars and jars of it in our house.

The Eddy Line 1

How did you come up with your shop name?

The main stream of a river flows in one direction while the eddy flows in the other. The seam where these two opposing currents meet forms the “eddy line”. Our intention is to create handmade goods for your life that are one of a kind, well made pieces – just outside of the mainstream.

Do you have any particular sale that stands out in your memory? Why?

We were sitting on the couch one night and I just happened to check the shop to see if we had sold anything and we had! I looked over at Jonny and said “we sold a weaving!” He immediately hugged me, cried (although if anyone asks he may deny it haha) and told me that he was so proud and he knew we were going to make it. The woman who bought the piece sent us the sweetest message and even sent a picture of the weaving in her house after she got it.

That was a very special moment, but I’ll be honest, as makers I’m pretty sure we remember every one of those sales. There is always a happy dance involved. It means the world to us when people support the dream that we are trying to live.

The Eddy Line 2

^ And this is the very first weaving that sold!

Favourite Websites · Handmade Seller Interviews

Handmade Seller Interview: the crimson rabbit

Crimson Rabbit Burrow 3

This week’s interview is with UK-based Debbie Seton from the crimson rabbit, who knits and sews all sorts of wonderful items including craft project bags, coin purses, brooches, quilts, shawls, cowls, pouches & dolls …so many pretty things to choose from!

And now I’ll hand over to Debbie for this week’s interview:

Tell us a bit about yourself:

How did you get started in your handmade business?

After working in the financial services sector for 30 years, when an opportunity to take voluntary redundancy arose in December 2012, I jumped at it! I decided to give myself a year to see whether I could make my dreams come true and build my own business from my own creativity.  After so many years working for others, I was keen to find out what it would be like to work for myself too – turns out that I like it!

Crimson Rabbit Burrow 2

What first made you want to become an artist/craftsperson?

I’ve always had the desire to make things and don’t think I ever really made a conscious decision to want to become a maker – I was just born that way.  As a child, the main outlet for my creativity was my imagination, whether it was writing stories or galloping around the Yorkshire countryside where I grew up, pretending to be riding a horse and acting out my stories.  I never remember being encouraged to be creative by my parents, they looked at it as a bit of a curiosity and left me to get on with it.  My development as a maker was really incredibly muddled, learning a little about sewing at school, being shown the basics of crochet by a friend’s granny.  The main driver though was always my curiosity about how things are done, or made, and that’s still the case now – I love learning new things.

Apart from crafts, what do you like to do in your spare time?

My making life is really pretty all encompassing at the moment.  If I’m not in my work room sewing or sat somewhere knitting or crocheting, I’m frequently found with my head in a book or at the computer screen studying, or just generally butterflying around ideas.  The lovely thing is that none of this really feels like ‘work’, it’s all great fun and difficult to find the line where I cross over from working to spare time.  My husband and I love walking at the weekends, switching off and just enjoying the countryside, which is a great way to clear my mind and clarify ideas.

Crimson Rabbit Burrow 5

How long have you been creating art/crafts and how long have you been selling online?

I probably got seriously back into making in the late 90s when I started studying with the Open University for a part time degree alongside my full time job.  At that time, distance learning relied a lot on audio tapes and whilst I was really interested in the subjects I was studying, listening to the tapes would relax me so much that I’d fall asleep!  I decided to pick up a crochet hook again and keep my hands busy making a pretty simple and mindless blanket so that I’d stay awake while I studied.  It worked a treat for my studies and at the same time reignited my love of crochet and knitting.  I was soon making all kinds of things to gift to friends and family and they seemed to like them.

When I started my business in early 2013, I had my own web site shop but soon realized that the online marketplace was so vast that I’d need to start somewhere that already had a captive audience for handmade, and opened my Etsy store in June of that year.

Crimson Rabbit Burrow 1

Do you collect anything?

Far too many things!  I have a bit of an obsessive personality and when I become interested in something, I must know all about it and possess it in any way I can!  My main collections are fabric and yarn, although I enjoy collecting ceramics and wooden boxes and my washi tape addiction is a bit of an issue, although I do at least share that around by using it for packaging.  I live in a very small cottage with a limited amount of display and storage space, so I must force myself to edit.  Pinterest is a fabulous outlet for the hoarder in me – I have an amazing collection of fashion and cute animals there!

What are three tools in your workspace that you could not live without?

I’ll take it that the humdrum tools of my craft like my sewing machine, needles, hooks and materials are excluded from this…  My hemostats are used every day in many, many ways – great for turning things out and getting corners super sharp, but equally useful to manoeuvre a hand sewing needle in awkward places when making coin purses.  My iron is almost as important as my sewing machine as pressing what you’re sewing at every stage is essential to get good results, not to mention the amount of interfacing it helps me complete every week.  I just invested in a new iron, who I’ve called Darth Vader – it really does look like him – all black and serious.  Finally, I couldn’t be without my blue tooth speaker that my husband bought for me last Christmas – I listen to music while the sewing machine’s going and when I’m interfacing or hand sewing, I always have an audio book on – such a great way to catch up on reading whilst you’re at work.

Crimson Rabbit Burrow 6

What invention or new product would you love to be available in the future?

I wish someone would invent an easy way to block knits!  I love knitting lace shawls and the blocking process is the magical way they’re brought to life when they come off your knitting needles.  The transformation of the knit or crochet piece can be truly amazing, but the process is deadly dull and annoying.  After soaking in warm water, you start by threading wires through the edges of your work (and the ends are completely blunt rather than softly rounded, which is ridiculous in itself) and then pinning it out onto a water-resistant surface to dry in the shape you’re trying to create.  I invariably find that one wire slips out as you thread on another, and the action of bending over for ages while you pin it out is beyond tedious.

If you could have one super power, what would it be and why?

It would have to be the power to get people to do what I want.  I am a natural control freak, but I’m also very honest, so I don’t think I’d abuse my super power. Imagine what you could achieve with that?  Safety for the environment and world peace for starters.

Crimson Rabbit Burrow 4

If you had the opportunity to learn one more craft you don’t already do, what would it be?

I can only pick one?!  If it had to be just one, I think it’d be ceramics, which I’m always entranced by.  I can’t imagine this will ever happen though as I don’t have the space to do it.

How many different places do you sell from?

My main outlet is my Etsy shop, although people approach me for commissions from a number of other places like Instagram, Pinterest and Facebook, as well as my blog.

Favourite Websites · Handmade Seller Interviews

Handmade Seller Interview: Zara Olivia Noble

Zara Noble 1

This week’s interview is with UK-based Zara Olivia Noble, who creates intricate paper cuts and illustrations. And the paper cuts are all hand-cut too – no cutting machines involved – so it’s all even more impressive!

And now we have an interview with Zara so you can get to know her and her amazing work better:

Tell us a bit about yourself.

I am a paper artist and illustrator based in the little seaside town of Whitby in Yorkshire, England. I studied Art & Design (Interdisciplinary) at Leeds College of Art. My work explores the notion of repetition, monotony and geometry through intricate hand-generated paper cuttings and hand-rendered illustrations; often focusing on process as well as outcome. I have produced work for various installations and exhibitions throughout the UK and Internationally.

Zara Noble 2

How did you get started in your handmade business?

I started selling sporadically to friends and family during my time at University and continued to do so after I graduated. Within the last three years my business has grown and I want to push on and continue expanding.

What first made you want to become an artist/craftsperson?

I have always been a creative and unique individual, and after studying art and design at school, I wanted to further expand my skills and knowledge at University. Upon graduation I started working with some of the finest paper artists including Andrew Singleton and Richard Sweeney, within this year I gained valid experience and understanding and it made me want to become as successful as them!

Zara Noble 3

Apart from crafts, what do you like to do in your spare time?

I am an avid runner, hockey and netball player, so when not cutting paper or drawing you can usually find me outdoors, on the pitch or on court! Exercising helps me de-stress and unwind after a day concentrating in the studio and keeps me occupied!

How long have you been creating art/crafts and how long have you been selling online?

I have been seriously creating art since starting university in 2010, and have been selling online since 2015.

Zara Noble 4

How many different places do you sell from?

I sell my work in a couple of local stores which are:

Silver Street Gallery, Whitby

and the Whitby Book Shop.

I also have work for sale in York at Kunsthuis Gallery.

I predominantly sell online from my Etsy Store.

Do you collect anything?

I am a huge No Doubt fan and collect anything and everything relating to the band and Gwen Stefani, including records, clothes and even newspaper clippings. I also collect beer mats and try to get one in every establishment I go in!

What are three tools in your workspace that you could not live without?

The three tools I could not live without are: my cutting mat, knife and most importantly lots of spare sharp blades!

Zara Noble 5

What was the best holiday you’ve ever been on?

I was lucky enough to visit Connecticut and New York to install some work during 2014, although some time was spent working this really was an amazing trip. New York is an incredible city and the two weeks spent their felt like home, I took in some of the iconic buildings and sites as well as meeting friends and even catching some ice hockey!

Any other handmade shops you’d like to recommend?

I’d love to recommend my good friend Jessica Hogarth; her work is incredible and based on the local Whitby area where we both live and play hockey. She focuses on print, pattern and surface design, check her out!

Zara Noble 6

Do you have any particular sale that stands out in your memory? Why?

The first sale within my Etsy store really stands out, it was to someone I knew locally and was a large paper-cut based on my trip to New York. The buzz and relief of the first sale online, thinking someone actually likes and wants to buy work is amazing. And I love going round to the purchasers’ house seeing my paper-cut framed and in pride of place in the family kitchen!