Craft Techniques · My Witterings

Vampire Fangs

Vampire Teeth

Now Summer seems to be done with (sad face), I am looking forward to the next celebration; Halloween!

I found this awesome tutorial about how to (professionally) make vampire dentures.

Even though obviously only people with access to this kind of equipment can actually have a go themselves, I thought it was interesting to see the process.

I am already quite familiar because I trained as a dental technician, and I wish I’d made some fangs when I had the chance now! If you’re interested in this kind of thing, I also wrote an article here about how dental crowns are made.

Bored at Home? · Favourite Websites · My Witterings

Gishwhes 2017

Gishwhes is basically a huge scavenger hunt that is open to anyone in the world (I think) – and all you have to do is find a team and be prepared to do some crazy, random, awesome stuff!

It’s one of those things that looks ridiculously fun and something that would give you a lot of anecdotes and memories, but I’d be too shy to do 😦 But if it looks like something you could do, you have until August to get your team ready.

The scavenger madness lasts one week only. Enjoy!

Favourite Websites · My Witterings

Can You Earn Money on Society6?

Society6 shop earnings

If you haven’t heard of Society6 before, it’s basically a print-on-demand company where they pay you commission if any of your graphic designs or photos sell via their website.

I’ve had a shop on there for nearly 2 years now, and I thought I would write about my sales totals and earnings to give other people (and myself) a better idea of the potential of Society6 as a money-maker.

My conclusion is that, for me, it has been worth it because I enjoy it, and because any extra side income is handy for me due to my self-employment. But it’s certainly not going to make me rich overnight, that’s for sure πŸ™‚

I also figure that I may as well put the many graphic designs I’ve created, and photos I’ve taken over the years ‘out there’, rather than them being hidden away on my computer forever.

Anyway, I hope you find my summary useful, and I hope it helps you make an informed decision about whether you should dedicate your time to growing a Society6 shop or not.

Thanks for reading πŸ™‚

My Shops · My Witterings

Handmade Miniature Books & Journals

Blog Ad FM

Just a quick announcement to say that I now have a new shop – ‘Fern Makes‘ – which I have set up to sell handmade products that don’t fit into my card or jewellery shops.

I’m starting off selling miniature bound books/sketchbooks/journals that have blank pages inside and can actually be written or drawn in despite being only a few cm tall!

You can choose between 3 different colours and whether you would like a hardback or leather cover. Each item has been made from scratch by me, and each book page has been hand sewn to the rest (rather than just glued) for extra durability.

You could give them as a gift for a doodler, writer or book lover….and I particularly like the idea of writing nice messages inside and giving it to a loved one πŸ™‚

My Witterings

New Website!

Welcome to my new website address and design…it’s probably long overdue!

I’ll be continuing to post craft tutorials, as before, plus I’m hoping to add a bit more content myself; mainly graphic designs and arty projects. I have a few ideas but it’ll take a little while for me to plan this (slightly) new direction for the blog.

Stay tuned, and thanks for visiting πŸ™‚

Best Products · My Shops · My Witterings

Fun & Quirky Greetings Cards – UK

This business has been a looonnnng time in the making, but The Card Connoisseur is finally here!

I have started selling greetings cards (just in the UK at first) that feature original illustrations by me and are all printed on quality card. I’m really excited about concentrating on this business, and can’t wait to add more and more designs… as well as some handcrafted cards too later on.

Thanks to everyone who has a browse πŸ™‚

Craft Techniques · My Witterings · Things to Make

DIY Miniature Bookbinding

I have been working on putting together this Skillshare class for a while now, and it’s finally finished πŸ™‚
In the bite-size lessons, I will teach you exactly how to make a miniature hand-bound book.
Each book is finished with a smart leather cover, and measures only 1″ wide!
The mini books have stitching down the spine (rather than just glue) to make them extra durable, which means that they can be used to actually write little messages in. And, if you add an eyepin, you can turn it into a necklace pendant if you like.

Thanks to anyone who enrols!